Identity,  Spiritual,  Vulnerability


That’s my word for 2024.  But I bet it’s not what you’re thinking.

It has NOTHING to do with me. 

GOD IS ENOUGH.  He is always enough.

Much of my life, I always felt like I was never enough.  And so I did everything I could do try and be enough for everyone.  And I did everything I could to prove to everyone that what I was able to do was the very best.  

I always had to get the best grades.

I always had to be the best daughter. 

I always had to be the most loyal friend.

I always had to be the most supportive sister.

And any time someone needed help, I always had to be the one to solve the problem and help take away the negative emotions the other person was feeling.

I always had to make it better for others.

And it was exhausting.  In all that striving, I never was able to be enough for anyone.

But this continued for the majority of my life and is still a struggle today if I’m not aware and plugged into the only source that is enough.

The last few years have been characterized by greater and deeper levels of freedom as I have come to know Jesus in even more intimate and transforming ways.  I believe that is the only way I could get to 2024 and recognize the truth about being enough.

I thought I would get to a point where I felt like I was finally enough.  But that was never the point.

The point was to get to see and embrace that HE HAS ALWAYS BEEN ENOUGH.

I WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH.  I don’t have to be enough, because GOD IS ALWAYS ENOUGH.

He’s never too little and never too much.

He’s exactly what I need at all times.

He is always enough.  And because of that, I don’t have to be.  (Insert BIG sigh of relief) I was never created to be.  It’s always been HIM.

That is so freeing!

In His immense goodness, the more I surrender to Him, the more He becomes enough.  Enough for me.  Enough in me.  Enough through me.  ENOUGH.  

I have a feeling 2024 is going to be a year of letting go of more so that His enough overflows my heart.  And in that freedom, I can more fully embrace who He is and who He has created me to be.

My verse for 2024 is 2 Corinthians 9:8.  It says…

“And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work.”

In this verse, a form of the Greek word for “all” is used four times (every).  A closely related word is translated “always.”

EVERY grace.

In EVERY way.

EVERYthing I need.

For EVERY good work.

If that doesn’t communicate how ENOUGH God is, I don’t know what does.

(I will be unpacking this verse even more in a coming blog post!)

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