Identity,  Spiritual,  Vulnerability

His Favor in the Taking Away

I heard a statement the other day by a speaker/author I love and it stopped me in my tracks.

“There could be something God has taken out of your life that you think is a punishment, but it’s actually a privilege.  That thing was making you think you weren’t thirsty anymore. ‘I’m taking it because you won’t leave it.’  That is the favor of God.”

Jada Edwards

Over the last few years, there have been a few things that have ended in my life.  One I chose to end, another that ended abruptly, and another that just kind of dwindled away.

Each time, it felt like a significant loss.  Each time, I questioned if it was the “right thing”.  Each time I felt like I had somehow failed or wasn’t enough.  Each time, I wondered if there would be a “next thing” that would fill me, give my life purpose.

And although it took months, even years after at least one of them, I came to realize that each loss, each ending, was God’s care for me.  It was Him loving me and keeping me close to Himself.  And what I now realize after hearing the quote I mentioned earlier is that in each of these losses, these endings, it was God’s favor upon me.

Let me explain a bit more…

The first loss was about 4 years ago when I decided to leave my 13-year, public school teaching career.  In all honesty, this was something I felt led to do at least a year before I finally worked up the courage to actually do it.  The main reason it was so hard to leave that career was because that was one of the main ways I defined myself and found my purpose and value.  I was not sure who I would be if I wasn’t a public school teacher.  

The second loss was about 3 years ago when I abruptly was let go from a position working in a local, Christian non-profit.  After leaving teaching, I didn’t necessarily think I would find a new job as quickly as I found this one.  But as soon as it came on my radar, I knew it was something I wanted to pursue.  It was beyond anything I had done before, but it felt like it naturally fit with how I was wired and what stirred my heart.  Unfortunately, it quickly became clear that this was not a healthy work environment and not a place where I could grow and learn.  And almost a year into working there, I was abruptly let go with the explanation that I was not a “good fit” for the position.

Even though this felt like a great loss and even injustice, the Lord’s care and love following that was undeniable.  But even this loss made me question my identity, my value, and my purpose.

The third loss was more of a slow, natural end to a blessed opportunity the Lord provided to care for our family financially.  Even though I knew this ending was coming, it still made me question what I was doing, what I was suppose to be doing, and where I would find my value.

Within the last year and a half, through a lot of deep heart transformation and reflection, I have come to know, love, and trust God in ways I have never experienced in my decades walking with Him.  

Each of these losses or endings were hard, but deeply necessary.  After God continued to work on my heart and meet me in the reflection, He showed and taught me 5 major things:

  1. In each loss, there was nothing wrong with me.  This was all part of His plan.
  2. My value and identity was never anchored in what I did, but it was always rooted in Him.
  3. He needed to take each of these things away from me to draw me to Himself.  To take away the things that I found my identity and worth in apart from Him.
  4. He needed to take these things away from me to free me to be the woman He created me to be.  Deeply rooted in Him.  Trusting Him more than anyone or anything else.  And desperate for Him to meet my needs, because He is the only One who can.
  5. Finally, He needed to take these things away so that I could learn and be transformed knowing that He is always enough and I don’t have to be.  I could finally stop striving and actually rest in Him.

Friend, sometimes we need God to take something away from us because we can’t do it ourselves.  He’s never looking to punish us, but instead He is always caring for and loving us in a way that brings glory to His name and transforms our hearts and minds to reflect His more fully.  And in the taking away, He is freeing us from anything that is preventing or distracting us from living the full, abundant life He desires for us.  When he takes something away, He is not trying to hurt us but rather He is freeing us to become more healthy and whole in Him.  It’s a gift.  It is His favor upon us.

I didn’t see it right away after each of these losses.  The realization and transformation came slowly.  (He’s so good like that.)  But today, I am more sure of my identity in Him than I ever have been.  I have more trust in Him than anyone or anything else.  And I feel free from striving because I am so confident that He is enough and I don’t have to be.  I wouldn’t give up this transformation, freedom, and dependence on Him for anything in the world.  And I journey into the future knowing that all open and closed doors are part of His plan and purpose for His glory and my good.  🫶🏼


  • Debbie Bowman

    Thanks for sharing this, Steph! I can totally relate to everything that you shared as similar things have happened to me. We think we have it all figured out & then God says “Nope!” “That’s not at all what I want for you!” We just have to trust & rest in Him. He does it SO much better than we do, doesn’t He?!

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