Identity,  Spiritual

What is your Identity in Christ?

If I’m honest, for most of my walk with Christ (I’m talking decades), I didn’t really understand what identity in Christ meant. To be fair, no one really explained it to me and I was not motivated enough to figure it out on my own. If you would have asked me, I would have said, “Yeah, I know what that means. I’m confident my identity is rooted in Christ.” But really, I had no idea.

Until a few years ago when several things changed in my life, I was brought to a place of not knowing who or what I was because the things I found my identity in had been taken away or lost. And it was during this time that it felt like the Lord was inviting me into truly understanding and embracing who I really was. My identity in Him.

It changed everything.

If you’re new here, welcome! 😊 Check out some of my other blog posts where I unpack more of what it has been like to understand, embrace, and begin to truly live out my identity in Christ.

But today, I want to share a resource with you that helps simplify and unpack what your identity in Christ is. In this resource, there are 7 aspects of your identity in Christ all based on Scripture.

Friend, you were created to fully live out your identity in Christ. But you have to start with understanding what your identity in Christ actually means and encompasses. Here’s a starting place. Grab this free resource. There are even cards you can print and post so that you can be reminded daily of your identity in Christ. 🫶🏼

Click the image above and I will send this resource straight to your inbox. I’m praying this is helpful and encouraging. One step at a time. We’re in this together!

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