About Me

So, “About Me” pages are a little weird. Therefore, instead of you just reading some info about me, let’s pretend we’re sitting at a coffee shop getting to know one another over an iced coffee. Does that seem fair? ๐Ÿ˜‰

I love Jesus, like truly, deeply love Him. If there is one thing I would want you to know about me, that is it. My love for Jesus will come through in everything I share, unapologetically.

In addition to that, I am a wife, mama, teacher, discipler, amateur baker, fitness enthusiast, iced coffee queen, and taco lover. I’m an introvert at heart because I recharge by myself, but I LOVE getting to know and pouring into others.

I was a secondary special education teacher for 13 years. About mid-way through my teaching career, I felt the Lord call me to pursue a seminary education. So, I did that, while working full-time as a teacher! Not knowing what would be on the other side, but just rather being faithful to what I knew God was calling me to.

I have been married to my handsome husband for 8 years and we became parents 5 years ago, first to our amazing son and then a couple years later to our beautiful daughter. A year after becoming a mama, I knew I was ready to leave teaching within the public education system. I just had no idea what the next few years would look like after making that decision. These last 4 years have been amazing and hard. Several different transitions and opportunities, including some really great mountaintops and some really low valleys. But God…

I am more sure today at the age of 40 of who I am than I have ever been in my entire life. And I am so in love with God and so delighted with who He has created me to be and what He has invited me into.

And this blog is one of those gifts. I love writing. I love encouraging and empowering women. And most importantly, I love helping others see Jesus in their everyday life and know and love Him deeper each day.

So, I don’t know how you stumbled across this little spot on the internet, but I sure am glad you’re here. I promise to share the messy and the beautiful, because I am convinced God is in it all. Let’s look for Him together. ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ